Now that it’s the end of the year again, it’s time to share my end-of-year review, in true PE fashion. I hope doing so will stir you guys into reflecting how your year of 2012 has been and to plan the new year of 2013 ahead. :)
My End-of-Year Reviews from 2008–2011
- End of 2008: Reflection, and Moving Onward to 2009 :)
- 2009 Reflections: 2 Biggest Things I Learned, 15 Key Highlights and A Big Thank You To You
- My Review of 2010 (Big Thank You and Onward to 2011!)
- My Review of 2011 (And Moving On To 2012!)
Key Accomplishments for 2012
2012 has been quite an interesting year for me. I returned from San Francisco in end Jan this year after a seven-month-long travel around Europe and U.S. and picked up my life in Singapore where I left off in Jun 2011.
There has been new business milestones achieved, new levels of awareness in the area of relationships, and new relationships forged and existing relationships strengthened as I pour my energy into fostering connections.
1. Transited to a Passive Income Business Model
In the area of business, I’ve finally transited fully into a passive income model for PE. I now get a healthy monthly income even if I don’t work at all; when I do work fully, it’s not difficult to achieve a five-figure income for the month.
Outsourcing has been instrumental in making this happen. For everything I have to share on outsourcing: Why You Should Outsource and How to Get Started
2. Influx of Media Interviews
Media appearances have truly been abundant this year, something I’m very grateful for.
In the last five months alone, I’ve received over 20 media coverage, most of which happened in the last two months. A quarter of them were due to the 14-Day Kindness Challenge in November (a big success with over 800 participants).
In the last two months in particular, invitations for media interviews came on a weekly basis, from different media outlets each time. They ranged from TV, to magazines, to newspapers, to radio stations.
In fact, I was just interviewed this morning (Dec 31) on Channel News Asia, AM Live! on setting new year resolutions, which you can check out here. Definitely a great way to end off the new year for me, as I’ve always been a big fan of the prestigious Channel News Asia brand. If there’s any one media outlet I would ever want to get on, it would be CNA itself.
I’m very grateful for these interviews and the opportunity to reach out to new audiences. The media outlets could have chosen to interview other experts and personalities, but for some reason they chose me, so I feel both honored and flattered.
To all the media outlets that have featured me this year, from Kiss92, 938LIVE, Channel News Asia, Channel 8, Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao, My Paper, UFM 100.3, Cosmopolitan, Singapore Woman’s Weekly, Her World, Asia One—thank you so much!!
Those of you interested in getting media coverage: How to Get Media Coverage for Your Business, Blog, or Startup — Constantly (Secrets Behind My Frequent Media Coverage, Revealed)
3. Networking; New Social/Business Connections
In the area of relationships (friendships), I made a deliberate effort to network, be it in the entrepreneurial circles or other social circles, in the last quarter of this year. Consequently, I’ve gotten to know at least 100 new people in the short span of time. It has been pretty fun knowing new faces and getting acquainted with new people locally, as opposed to 2011 when I was socializing massively with people outside of Singapore during my world trip. I’m sure my relationships with all these people will blossom in the years ahead.
4. Friendships
Some pretty amazing friendships have been fostered this year. My friend Karl has become quite a dear friend after I returned to Singapore, along with my friend Saj who has sadly migrated to New Zealand with her husband a month ago.
Some unexpected friendships this year include that of W and Daniel. W was a long-lost distant contact who re-entered my life this year and somehow evolved into a great, reliable, and trusted connection in the past months. Daniel is someone whom I had connected on Twitter for a while and finally met this year (after I returned from my trip); we bonded over random stuff over the past months and got to know each other better in the process. Look forward to more great meetups ahead. :)
Other friends whom I continued to grow closer to this year include C, Banana (not real name), KM, and Rita, just to name a few. There are countless other people whom I’ve fostered budding relationships with this year whom I can’t wait to get to know better in the year ahead.
5. Romance & Revelations in Area of Romance
In terms of romantic relationships, I’ve met many new guys in the last quarter of the year as I opened myself up in the area of love. Consequently, I’ve arrived at many new self-realizations about myself and my relationship attitudes.
I realized I had many anxieties surrounding relationships which I never knew were there. My dating immersion since September has helped me to uncover them and work through them, one at a time. This will undoubtedly help as I work towards a conscious romantic relationship. As they say, 10,000 Hours To Develop Talent. (‘Talent’, in this context, refers to ability to foster a conscious romantic relationship).
I’ve not met someone whom I want to be with yet (i.e. in a relationship). (Or if he’s already in my life, I’m simply not aware of it at this moment.) For the record, I do not have a problem attracting guys or with dating, just that finding someone I like is more elusive than I would think. I know that many of you have been excitedly waiting for me to share good news in this area (by the incessant questions I get about it), and I guess it’s just something that’s going to happen by itself, when it happens.
To be honest, for a period of time, I felt like the whole world was exerting pressure on me to find someone. This pressure isn’t from who you might think it is actually (my parents do not butt themselves into my love life)—this pressure actually came from you guys. When I frequently get comments like “Celes, I can’t wait until you find THE ONE for you!!!” or “Celes, have you found THE ONE yet??” (be it on Facebook, via Ask Celes, or Twitter), it inevitably adds weight on me to find someone quickly in order to serve as an inspiring example to others out there. I guess that’s to be expected when I embarked on the Lunch Actually thing publicly, blog about my singlehood and experience with love openly, and essentially live my life in a somewhat public manner.
It also did not help that my previous date coach subconsciously exerted pressure on me as well with passing comments like “I’m going to set you a challenge to get a boyfriend by X’mas day”. It made me feel like I was broken for not being able to get into a relationship (obviously with someone I found fitting, and not just with anyone) when others do not seem to have problems in that area. I know better now though.
The past four months have been an interesting experiment for me in dating and love, and have undoubtedly bettered myself in this area. Moving forward, I’ll continue to open myself in the area of love, but I’m not going to actively pursue love or deliberate about it anymore. I’m going to just return to being myself, living my life as I would, and just enjoy being who I am.
I hope you guys can give me the necessary space for me to develop in this area; if for some reason you feel anxious or curious about my love life, perhaps it’s an emotion you are projecting from your personal desires for yourself and is something to look into. I haven’t felt right about any of the guys I’ve met/dated so far, so I’m going to just live my life and let things unfold by themselves now.
Whatever will happen will happen, and whatever won’t, won’t. :)
6. Miscellaneous Accomplishments
(In no particular order)
- (in Dec) Landed a clothing sponsor for all my media and public appearances. Thanks so much to Cassis Collections and Angela for your kind sponsorship—your clothes are amazing! :)
- Achieved higher business revenue this year than 2011.
- Successfully launched and conducted the 14-day Kindness Challenge in November, with over 800 participants from around the world. The challenge also received great media coverage in local media (Singapore).
- Launched online group coaching and webinars on PE, starting with the Emotional Eating course in July (available as a video product in the Courses section), then followed by Self-Esteem webinar in August, then Passive Income Course in October, then finally the Blogging Bootcamp in December. All courses/webinars have been great success and were very well received by the participants.
- Launched the members portal on PE. Live a Better Life in 30 Days, Be a Better Me in 30 Days, How to Stop Stress Eating Program and How To Achieve a 10/10 Self-Esteem For Life Webinar are all available for 24/7 self-administration in the portal. With that, the past live runs of 30DLBL and 30BBM have been retired, which will give me time to create more great content and activities for you guys moving forward.
- Strengthened my connection with my intuition. (2012 was meant to be my year of intuition.)
- Naturally lost 8kg after working through my emotional eating issues.
- Let go of past anger.
- Reached 8,888 likes on my Facebook page. To all of you following me on Facebook, thank you so much for your support!! ♥ Next up, 10,000!
- Rounded up the year in a beautiful manner with the recent 13-day 2013 Countdown Challenge.
Development of My Self Separate From Business, People, and Relationships
Perhaps my biggest milestone this year is that I have developed my self-identity separate from my business and other aspects of my life.
Previously, I had (unknowingly) defined a large part of myself based on my career and personal achievements. This was the case in school (scholastic achievements were a strong measurement of my worth), and later on at work (my pay, the company I was in, and my accomplishments in the company were important measurements of my worth). Later on, after I started PE, PE itself and its success became part of my identity.
I only realized this when I transited to a passive income model this year. Suddenly, I didn’t have to work anymore to earn my keep. There was literally no need for me to do anything, any day. I could do whatever I want and not have a care or worry in the world. So, what should I do then? What should I do with my life? Who am I, really? Who is Celes? Without having to work and without my business (or anything else for that matter), what was my life to become?
It was a few months of self-reflection in the area of existentialism, but my final answer was that I still want to allocate a chunk of my life to helping others grow, because this is simply my passion and what I love to do. It’s funny to come full circle with this passion after four years of doing it, but the good thing is that it reinforces that I am indeed on the right track in terms of where I should be in life.
The other chunk of my life, I want to spend on growing (developing myself), connecting with other people (as people is a big passion in my life), and personal pursuits (be it health and fitness goals, traveling which is part of growing, and romantic pursuits).
I’d say this year has been a nice experiment in helping me figure out the real me (independent of my work, PE, and life achievements) and really know what I stand for. I’m now clearer than ever about who I am, what I stand for, and what I want to get out of living.
My 2013 Plan Moving Forward
Since 2011, I’ve been receiving many comments from people who would remark that my life seems perfect. It was this year, especially in the past couple of months, when I concurred and realized that my life is indeed right where I want it to be. If I look back, I’d say that my life today is the epitome of what I envisioned for myself three, four years ago. I can’t wish for more.
Of course, all this didn’t come by itself—it was through conscious creation on my part. And also support from blessed souls such as all of you along the way.
Continuing to Live in Intuition
If any of you recall, 2012 was meant to be my year of intuition. It has been an interesting experiment in that regard, as I lose control, stop using logic in my decisions, and simply trust that my intuition will guide me to the right place. There has been enough evidence (e.g. accidental landing of a clothing sponsor, influx of media invitations, lovely PE reader Willie (yet to be launched) offering to create a mobile app for PE right when I’m thinking of getting someone to do it, and the accidental landing of my videographer contact earlier this month (paramount to the start of my video channel for next year)) to justify me continuing on this journey.
Moving forward, I want to continue to follow my intuition and strengthen my connection with it.
There are times when I revert to logic and force to make my decisions, and I need to constantly remind myself to trust my intuition and know that it will guide me to where I need to be. Being comfortable with not being in control has been an important lesson for me. I look forward to relinquishing hold over my life and seeing where my intuition (read: my higher self) takes me.
Key Goals (Read: Intentions) for 2013 Moving Forward
- Start my online video channel to help others grow and live their best lives.
- Continue to expand PE.
- Convert past courses (passive income course, blogging bootcamp) into product versions as part of expanding my passive income streams.
- Seriously explore collaborations with large-scale platforms. IMO, this will be necessary to bring PE to the next level.
- Develop PE as a business, and not as a self-employed person. While I guess I can be considered doing ‘okay’ when compared to the ranks of the employed, PE is actually just a tiny baby as a business. It’s time for me to stop handling PE as a sole-proprietor and look at it as a CEO, a true business owner and grow it as such, such that it can achieve its maximum potential.
- Achieve at least six-figure income (annual) for myself and my business in 2013.
- Continue traveling—this time to South America, India, and South Africa, which are places I’ve never been to before.
- Live life as myself, in line with my vision, values, passion, and purpose.
- Be there for the people who need me.
Happy New Year 2013!
That’s that! Here’s a wonderful, wonderful 2013 to all of you. I look forward to sharing more of my life and growing together with you guys in the coming years ahead. :D
That’s a great 2012 for you. Wish you have more successful 2013.
Thanks Elton! :)
HI Celes, You are welcome, your intuition coupled with strong intention has created amazing result and this will be something I need to learn from you.
It’s good that you can continue to explore yourself further for 2013. You have life purpose to achieve and respect on it and share your insights.
I will be continue to practise the focus guide and 30 DLBL and Passive Income Course for this year which I carry hardcopy with me to do during my long trips. I will be learning series of new discovery related to ‘Innovation by Willpower’ concepts which will share with you someday when we meet again in future. Wishing you more success and keep in touch.
Thumbs up Celestine!!! I have been following your blog for almost three years now. Thanks for the wonderful presentation on your CNA interview. I will surely recommend lots of friends to your blog…
Thank you so much Munya! I appreciate it! :)
Omg! Happy New Year to you too Celes :D I loved how you are thinking of coming over to South America. Let us know how your experience with Latins go!
Thanks Fufu, I surely will! :)
Happy New Year. I have read each of your post for the last 3 years. Thank you for the inspiration.
Thanks a lot Shiroh! :)
Dear Celes,
I have quickly and with great interest read your reflections for 2012…I will reread even more carefully when more time permits…verrry interesting Celes…I do want to jump in right now though and give my heartfelt support for you to continue to be who you are without the pressure of whatever anyone would ever say about you finding ‘the One.” Like that is going to complete you or something…you are already so complete, and oneness with yourself is very attractive and inspiring for others to be complete within themselves and living their best life with passion is independent of having a “mate.”
i really like the example that you have set on those points and, like you have mentioned and know internally, if and when there is someone that you will join with in a special partnership, that will happen on its own…or may already be in the works, but the timing is not yet right for that to happen.
Thank you for your generous sharing in your reflections of the year 2012, and with all you do here at PE. We are listening, Celes. And living our lives with more excellence because of you and PE. :D I dearly loved the live runs…and so glad they are archived. The end-of year Countdown Challenge is a beautiful idea that I hope becomes a classic end-of year wrap-up here at PE. So sorry i was not on board for this one. Love to interact with the community in the live runs.
You are so inspiring in so many ways, and your ideas just keep growing and evolving. I am most moved and impacted by your dedication and commitment to keep others inspired here at PE and in the world. My love and gratitude for continuing your journey with both your passionate and compassionate spirit! :hug:
:heart: :heart: :hug: :heart: :heart:
Bette, you’re such an incredible angel. Thank you for all your support of my work on PE; truly, your support means more to me than you can imagine. I really appreciate your presence and your kind words all this while, and the fact that you took time to post such a meaningful reply from reading my 2012 review tells me what a kind soul you are.
I will take your words to heed, in that I shouldn’t let others pressurize me into finding someone or the one or whoever I will be. I am of the same page as you and I’m thankful to have worked through much (if not all) of the societal pressure and peer pressure issues. I do not advocate singlehood for the sake of singlehood (to do so would be another issue in itself); at the same time I’m perfectly happy being myself and also ready to be with another person (the right person) when/if I do meet such a person.
Love you Bette! :) And a happy new year 2013 to you too!
Happy New Year Celes! I can’t believe it’s this time of year again, but congratulations on all your accomplishments in 2012! Hopefully, 2013 will mean even more growth and progress for all of us!
Thank you Laurel! Same to you too! :)
Yes, Celes, I fully admire you for having breakthroughs in your life. Most importantly, you have also achieve personal happiness, which is what life is about.
I look forward to the day I can meet you up in person to exchange our thoughts.
Regards, Andy Ng ;)
Thanks Andy! :) Happy new year 2013, and I’m sure we will meet in person some day soon. Look forward to when that happens! :)
Congrats on your accomplishments this year. it feels good going in a direction that opens you to different oppotunities and chances. My situation may be different from yours but I can say confidently it is a wonderful feeling knowing each step you take opens you up to new and exciting places and choices. 2013 will be a great step forward
I agree, Bryan! :D Happy new year 2013!!
Just wanted to say, Celes, that by not giving in to the pressure to be in a relationship, you ARE an inspiring example to many. It is clear that you are a whole and complete person and that you do not need to be with someone to have worth or value. Far too many people “settle” just so they can be in a relationship, even if the person they are with is far from ideal for them.
Everything you do shows how you live what you teach, and that is inspiring too.
Thank you so much VickiB. You helped me consider another angle I haven’t really thought of before. I appreciate your words of wisdom and encouragement! :hug:
Yay! Looks like it’s been an amazing year for you :hug: It’s been a great pleasure doing all the challenges and reading the numerous articles this year, some of which were spot on for things I needed to work out myself :)
I giggled a bit at all the people expecting you to get into a relationship. As if it happened just like that! Also reminds me of a quote from a dear friend: “Extraordinary people find it extraordinarily hard to find partners in life.” You’d think with much wisdom and kindness it would get easier! But surely, it will be a much happier one once there is that somebody ;)
To a wonderful 2013, never-ending personal growth and much love! :dance:
I think that was one of my past trapping mindsets surrounding relationships actually. My revelation towards the end of the year is that my life is immensely happy as it is, and being with someone or not should not affect my happiness level. By thinking that it would be even better when I found someone (something which many people subscribe to for themselves), it created a lot of unnecessary pressure into this act of finding someone which in turn caused the anxiety and unhappiness later on. I’m glad that I no longer think that way though! :)
Thanks for your support of the blog and my work Jade! I appreciate your presence and look forward to an awesome 2013 ahead for all of us. :D :hug:
Oh, I meant that being as wise and kind as you are, it should be a happy relationship (vs someone who is still finding themselves, getting into one and all sorts of drama happening).
But what you said does raise a red flag for me. I’ve been trying to think “My life is great the way it is but would be even better with someone around”. And I can see what you mean – if you’re constantly thinking “but it could be better” it’s like saying it’s not good enough yet. I guess it’s time to start thinking differently! :)
Sounds like a very exciting year for you :) Thank you for continuing to be such a wonderful inspiration to us all.
And don’t let anyone put you under pressure with your relationships. I believe love can never be totally planned for and usually tends to smack us upside the head when we’re least expecting it. Sure you can put yourself out there, meet new people and such with similar areas of interest who may be more likely to be compatible with you, but even that’s no guarantee. Then again you may walk into your future love interest on the street without knowing what’s going on. Every relationship in my circle of friends has happened unexpectedly, not when people were actively going out looking for a relationship.
Don’t stress yourself there. When it’s time to happen, it’ll happen. And it’ll have been worth the wait :)
No one can decide, when the time is actually right. It just happens. And it’s a beautiful thing.
Wishing you all the best for 2013!
Thanks Ffion! :D I have realized that too, and that is why I no longer have any active intentions in the area of love for 2013 or moving forward. I mean the intention is still there (and I’m not NOT doing anything about it), but it’s not an active intention like it was in 2012, where I was consciously dating and allowing myself to meet new guys and all. I’m just going to live life as myself and whatever will happen, will happen. I’m sure the universe has great things in store for all of us.
Happy new year 2013! :D :hug:
I think as long as we get around and don’t hole ourselves up in our homes and never get to meet anyone, chances are high that we’ll meet someone sooner or later. And as I said… the good ones are totally worth the wait!
We can create circumstances in which romance is more likely to happen, but we can’t control who falls in love with us, or who we fall in love with. And often love turns up in unexpected places :)
Have a great year 2013 :)
Hey Celes,
Thank you for sharing your annual review with us and leading by example. You deserve all the rich rewards you are reaping now.
I especially like how explain that it is not an overnight journey and that it has taken you four years to achieve your “epitome”. With your clear examples Celes, i see how you reached towards your goals and achieved them. For me breaking down these large chunks of life into manageable “baby steps” is something I hadn’t understood until recently – it is making them as easy as one or two steps a day and to focus relentlessly on them.
Thank you Celes, you inspire all of us to follow your strong selfless leadership! Continue to be yourself, follow and strengthen your intuition, it is your inner guiding compass.
Have a prosperous and intuitive 2013!
Thank you for all your support in the past (2? 3?) years, Bob! :) Let’s have a prosperous 2013 ahead as you said! :D
Many Many Congratulations Celes for all your achievements in 2012. I have been reading your blog for the past 3 years and must say that your articles/achievements are a continuous source of inspiration for me each day of the year.
Wishing you a very happy 2013!!!
May it be the best year of your life so far…:)
Thank you Deepshikha! :D 3 years – it has been a while, hasn’t it? :D Thank you so much for your support all these years and let’s create an awesome 2013 ahead! :)
Hi celes,
I have been following your blog from just a month and I am really feeling good by reading your articles.
I would like to congratulate U for having a wonderful 2012 and I wish 2013 brings U more happiness than past years and also thank U celes,for giving inspiration for all of us
Hi Surya, aw, thank you so much for your well wishes. Thank you for supporting my work and I wish all of you an awesome 2013 ahead too. :) Let’s grow in 2013 together and the years ahead!
Hi Celes,
Following your work since early days, when pe used to be cc :)
Love how you have rolled.
Wish you a great success in 2013.
Look forward to see you when you come to India, and happy to help in anyway possible.
Please feel free to connect on email for ref.
– mohit
A great 2012 for you! I feel inspired from your site to reach some of my goals this 2013 – here’s hoping :)
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