This is the announcement post for the Year End Countdown Challenge held in Dec 2012, where we count down to the new year with 13 reflective questions. The challenge is now over but you can do the tasks in your own time. Visit the overview page for all the challenge tasks.

Are you ready to countdown to 2013??? Because I am!! :D
A Year Has Passed…
It’s December 2012 now. It’s been 12 months since the start of the year, and soon, yet another year would have passed.
How has the year of 2012 been for you? What experiences have you gained? What new people have you met? What incidences have changed you for the better? What have you realized for yourself?
I’m sure much has happened to you this year. I’m sure it has been an eventful 12 months for you, just like it has been for me. And I want to make this year a memorable year, one that would stick in your memory. I believe an end of year reflections would be the perfect answer for that as we count down to year 2013.
Which is why I’ve decided to start a #2013Countdown Challenge!! :)
Introducing: #2013Countdown Challenge!!
Starting December 19, I will be kicking off an all-new #2013Countdown Challenge!!!
- For every day, from Dec 19 to Dec 31 (the last day of the new year!), I will be posting one self-reflection question here on Personal Excellence.
- Your job is to reflect on the question on the day itself, post the answers on the comments page for that day’s post, then share the post to your friends/family on your Facebook/Twitter/blog (if you can). It’s part of sharing the year-end-reflection spirit to everyone in your circle and to get them thinking about their year too, with you being the leading example.
- Throughout the day, you can read the answers by other participants as they reflect on the question for themselves. There are various ways you can interact with them:
- Comments sections of the daily task entries themselves.
- Twitter, where participants can connect with others via the hashtag #2013Countdown.
- There will be 13 questions, posted over 13 days (to usher in the year of 2013), which will culminate to the last day of the year (Dec 31), where we wrap up our year of 2012 with a big bang and get ready for the new year. (I will post my year end reflections as usual—something which I have been doing since 2008: 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.)
To Sign Up: 2 Simple Steps
You are invited to join me and the PE community in the #2013Countdown Challenge!!!
All I request is for you to do the following two steps:
- Subscribe for the Personal Excellence newsletter to receive the questions directly in your mailbox, starting from Dec 19. If you are already on the newsletter, ignore this step and proceed to Step 2.
- If you sign up late (i.e. *AFTER* Dec 19), you will only receive the questions posted *AFTER* Dec 19; backdated questions will not be sent out. So please don’t post comments asking why you aren’t receiving the initial questions. You can, however, access all questions via PE website as and when they are posted.
- Finally, after completing Steps 1–3, post a comment reply @ with your intention to sign up. In the email field of your comment, put the same email address as the one you used to subscribe to the newsletter (Step 1). This will help me verify if you are on the newsletter or not.
*Please do the 2 steps and not jump directly to Step 2. Thank you!
Provided you have completed the 2 steps, you will automatically be added to the participants list within 48 hours. Thank you!
Spread the Word about #2013Countdown!!
It’s very important to me that the challenge spreads to as many people as possible, so I hope all of you can support me in getting the word out!
If you have taken part in any of the challenges on PE before (which you would have if you have truly committed yourself to them), you would know how beneficial they can be. Wouldn’t you want the people around you to reflect on their year of 2012 and get moving to a better, grander 2013??
Please help spread the love and share about #2013Countdown Challenge through the means appropriate for you:
- Tweet about the challenge: “Ready to countdown to year 2013? Join the #2013Countdown Challenge: Starts Dec 19!”
- Post the link on Facebook:
- Email your friends/family and get them to join in with you. Seriously, it’s so much more fun with you do a challenge with a friend or two.
- Blog about the challenge if you have a blog; alternatively you can start a blog just for this challenge too! Share your reflections for each day’s question on your blog for 13 days of deep, reflective thinking; this will also get your own readers to think about their year of 2012 too!
Let’s Rock the Final 13 Days of 2012!!
13 days, 13 questions, starting from Dec 19. Are you ready or are you not??
Sign up now, spread the word to others, and once you are done with that, proceed to the kickoff question, #13: How has your year of 2012 been?
Update Dec 2012: We have over 290 participants now! Let’s get rolling everyone!!! :D