Some of you may have noticed that updates at PE have been slow of late. There have been lots that I want to share, but I haven’t had the chance to share them as I’ve been waiting for the right time to do so.
Today, I want to announce the birth of my baby girl. :)
She is almost 4 months old now. :) She was born with the entire water bag intact, also known as an en-caul birth — which apparently is very rare and occurs in occurring in less than 1 in 80,000 births![1] Between exclusively breastfeeding her and taking on the new duties of motherhood, I haven’t had time to take a breather, but I hope to get back to updating PE and letting you guys in on what’s been going on in my life soon.
I look forward to sharing more in time to come, but in the meantime, just wanted to do this quick post to let you guys in on what’s been going on in my life. :) If you have any questions, or anything you want me to answer on PE, let me know!
(Images: Personal Excellence)
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