Johannesburg PE Readers Meetup (Apr 2013) [Sign Ups CLOSED]

Celes stroking a lion cub in Johannesburg, South Africa

Me at Lion Park in Johannesburg, South Africa

Hey guys!! I’m in Johannesburg now for personal travel and have been here for the past two weeks. I’ll be leaving for Cape Town this week, and would love to meet those of you in Johannesburg before I go!

Below is the plan for the Joburg meetup:

*Note that the restaurant has been updated from Woolworths Cafe as it closes at evening time.

Please RSVP NOW by posting a comment with (a) confirmation of your attendance, (b) who you are bringing along for the meetup. You can come alone but it would be great if you can bring your friend(s) or family along too!

Table reservations have been made for “Celes” at 6pm, so just let them know that you are here for Celes when you reach. Please be on time (or even early if possible) to ensure we have quality time together; as I’m staying with a host, I have to leave after an hour or two in respect of her time schedule. Thank you!

See you guys very soon! :D

(I have no plans to return to Johannesburg after this, so please try to make it for the meetup if you can! :) )

Attendance List So Far

  1. Celes
  2. Mavis
  3. Tsungai
  4. Tinashe
  5. SandzD
  6. Sam
  7. Sphamandla
  8. Sphamandla’s girlfriend
  9. MichalA
  10. Tynas
  11. Thelma
  12. Sheron
  13. Ellen
  14. Audrey
  15. Oleva
  16. Timu

Update Post-Meetup

The meetup was a great success! :D It was great, great conversation over dinner. :D Check out some quick shots below:

Johannesburg PE Readers Meetup, Group Shot #1

Johannesburg PE Readers Meetup, Group Shot #2

Johannesburg PE Readers Meetup: Sandy, Me (Celes), Samantha

Johannesburg PE Readers Meetup: Audrey, Me (Celes), Ellen

Johannesburg PE Readers Meetup, Group Shot

Thanks so much to all of you for coming! :D Tinashe, Mavis, Tsungai, Tynas, Oleva, Timu, Maureen, Ellen, Audrey, Michal, Sandy, and Samantha, I will miss you guys!! :)

(Photos: Personal Excellence)