56 Most Inspirational Songs Of All Time

Songs about Appreciating the People in Our Lives

20. That’s What Friends Are For

This is an all-time classic that has been sung and covered by many artists. It’s about the beauty of friendship and how we can always count on each other no matter what happens, be it good times or bad times. That’s what friends are for. :D Very, very beautiful song. Read: How to Have More Best Friends: My Heartfelt Guide

This song was first recorded in 1982 by Rod Stewart, but it is better known for the 1985 remake version by Dionne Warwick and co, as featured below.

[ by Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight & Elton John | Lyrics | Get the song ]

21. I Turn To You

Originally recorded for the movie Space Jam (which is a movie that I listed in my inspiring movies post), “I Turn To You” gained mainstream popularity when Christina Aguilera did a cover of it for her eponymous debut album. This song is a tribute to our loved ones who are just always there to keep us strong, safe, and warm no matter how strongly the tides turn against us. How about sharing this to those dearest to you, to let them know how you feel? :)

[ by Christina Aguilera | Lyrics | Get the album ]

22. You’ll Be In My Heart

Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1999, “You’ll Be In My Heart” is a beautiful song that speaks of a parent’s love for their child. Whether a child is one’s biological child or an adopted one, regardless of race, the bond between mother/father and child is real. I first heard this song in Disney’s 1999 animated film Tarzan and was captivated by the song.

[ by Phil Collins | Lyrics | Get the album ]

23. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

First recorded by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell in 1967, the song was later recorded by Diana Ross and became her first solo number-one hit, including being nominated for a Grammy. The powerful song is about the power of kinship and how no matter what trouble one may be in, a true friend will be there to cross all hurdles to aid the people they love. As the song goes, “Ain’t no mountain high enough… Ain’t no valley low enough… Ain’t no river wild enough… To keep me from you~”

[ by Diana Ross | Lyrics | Get the album ]

24. Music of My Heart

While seemingly a “teenybopper” song, this is a beautiful song that expresses gratitude to the people who have always been there for us. These people have made us who we are today, taught us amazing things, and made us bigger than we thought we could be. It’s because of them that we can be where we are today. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Who are the people who helped make you who you are today? Who is always there when you’re down? Who opened your eyes to the world? Who guided you every step of the way? Where are they now? Have you ever stopped to thank them for what they have done? Take a moment and let them know how you feel. You owe them this much. Read: Kindness Challenge Day 9: Write a Letter to Someone Who Has Made a Difference in Your Life

[ by N’Sync and Gloria Estefan | Lyrics | Get the album ]

25. You Raise Me Up

This touching piece pays tribute to the people who have supported us through thick and thin to be who we are today. True friends and kins are the ones who stay with us even when there are troubles, who help us get through hurdles and don’t just stick around for the good stuff. The song was originally released by Secret Garden featuring Brian Kennedy in 2002 and has since been covered over 100 other artists![4] I’ve included both the original version and the cover by Josh Groban.

[ by Secret Garden, Vocals by Brian Kennedy | Lyrics | Get the album ]

[ by Josh Groban | Lyrics | Get the album ]

26. Hey Jude

Named one of the 10th biggest songs of all time by Billboard magazine and first recorded by legendary band The Beatles, “Hey Jude” is about gaining courage, overcoming shyness and fear, and going out there to get the love you have found.

[ by The Beatles | Lyrics | Get the album ]

27. A New Day Has Come

This song was released in 2002 after a 2-year hiatus by the legendary Celine Dion, following the birth of her first child. While the song is about the birth of her son, a miracle that she had been waiting for so long (Dion previously had difficulty conceiving and all her children were born through IVF[5]), Dion says “it can mean different things for anyone who has to find strength again.”

[ by Celine Dion | Lyrics | Get the album ]

Proceed to Page 5 for inspirational songs on success and achievement…

Menu of Songs: Being Positive | Express Your Authentic Self | Recognizing Your Beauty | Love and Gratitude for Our Relationships | Success and Achievement | Personal Power and Strength | Recovery and Heartbreak | The World

  1. That’s a pretty nice list, and I have to admit that I don’t know half of these songs. And I like how you mixed fast with slow; I probably wouldn’t have thought about that off the top of my mind. Great stuff; thanks for sharing.

    • Wonderful list. I would add Lee Ann Womack’s “I Hope You Dance.”

  2. Hi Celeste!

    You always think of such fascinating list posts to share — very original ideas. This is truly an INSPIRATIONAL collection of songs. Anyone having a bad day could tune into this & be smiling in no time!

    Thank you for taking the time to put this together & for sharing it with the world. Brilliant.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Dena :wink:

  3. Almost half on the list were my favorites. And Walking in Sunshine is the most played song on my iTunes. :) It’s like an energy drink for me. Haha.

    Thanks for sharing. Will go check the other songs that’s not on my playlist. ;)

    • Celes
      Celes 15 years ago

      Thanks SKZY – let us know how you find the other songs after you listen to them :D

  4. shweta jani 15 years ago

    Loved Your post. I am going to download all the songs & listen to them.
    One of my fav.inspirational song is ‘I made it through the rain’ by John Barrowman (it always encourages me & uplifts my mood) you tube link : http://m.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&client=mv-google&xl=xl_blazer&hl=en-GB&xl=xl_blazer&v=LsNzKZzWhmM

    Thank You for such a beautiful post.

  5. Hi Celes, an interesting selection of songs you’ve compiled here! Although I really don’t want say this, but most would easily make it onto my least inspiring list :-) Not because they’re bad songs or anything like that, but because they’re popular songs everyone knows that have been around for a long time. As a result when I hear them my mind will automatically associate them with all the commercial radio stations I know of who have been playing them for years alongside non stop commercials, news and traffic reports. Or worse still, weddings and other events I have been to in the past where you will find a number of drunk people singing along to the songs! I hope this makes sen

    With so many genres of music out there now, I think the kind of songs or music that inspire people will vary dramatically. For me it’s the music that matters the most, not the lyrics. The kind of music that will make me forget about all the negativity in my life and clear my mind so I can focus on what’s most important. This is so difficult to describe!

    • Celes
      Celes 15 years ago

      Hey Glenn! :D You’re right – the kind of songs that inspire people will vary on each’s tastes and perferences. The key of this list isn’t to assign them as THE top 25 inspirational songs but to provide a starting place for others to find songs that resonate with them. Feel free to share your personal favorite inspirational songs!

      • Too many to even think of :)

        • I agee with glenn, a good new one is Remember the name by Fort Minor. Its amazingly inspriational

  6. Mars Dorian 15 years ago

    That’s a kick-ass list,

    Return of innocence and It’s a beautiful day by U2 are my favorites…by far !

    Although some of them are pretty cheesy (does that come with the territory ?), a lot of them are quite enjoyable and really bring some good vibes into your life.

    Whenever I work, I listen to inspirational music to keep the juices of creativity going and flowing.

    It’s also a grrreat kick-ass start into the day – you just feel this vibe and want to burn the world with your endless fire inside ;)

    Celes, have you ever heard of Angels and Airwaves ? They are my favorite band by far, and listen to them on a daily (hourly?) basis. Their music is pure magic, and I create the most awesome stuff when I listen to them.

    Check out their latest album “LOVE”. it’s free for download. Type in LOVE and Angels and Airwaves in Google and you’ll find my favorite magic. Seriously, their music is space-ish, inspirational and…intensely captivating. You have never heard something like this before.
    If you really listen to them, come back to me and tell me what you think !

    Have an eventful day with endless fire inside, Celes !

  7. Eric | Eden Journal 15 years ago

    Your number 25, Over the Rainbow, is my all time favorite “happy” song. I love to just sit still and close my eyes while listening to it. This is really a super list, many many of my favorites are on here.

  8. Clearly Composed 15 years ago

    Eye Of The Tiger can always make me do more sit-ups! I remember it from being a kid and it still just revs me up and gets me going. Excellent choices all around. :)

  9. When I’m Up by Great Big Sea

    This song kept me going in high school and keeps my momemtem up.


    Great Big Sea – Ordinary Day

    It is the best thing in the world to listen to if you are down, it reminds you of what you have and to keep moving


    The All-American Rejects – Move Along

    This song shouts “Never Give Up, Never Surrender” at the top of its lungs


    • Celes
      Celes 15 years ago

      That’s fantastic – Thanks so much for sharing AronSora! These are incredible songs. I’m just listened to Move Along now and I love the groove of the song :mrgreen: The 2 songs by Great Big Sea are very uplifting too – listening to When I’m Up now.

  10. I remember the EYE of the Tiger during my Elementary days.. During Boxing and it always played on the AM radio..

  11. Christina Aguilera’s Beautiful is real inspiring!

  12. That’s wonderful list you have compile there. I really love the way in which you have written about each and every song. Love most of the songs in the list. Thanks. Here are a few :

    “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey


    “Say” by John Mayer


    “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” by Baz Luhrmann


    “Bad Day ” by Daniel Powter


  13. Hey Celes, you’re such a star!

    Thank you so much for mentioning my name! You are a true champion! I’m totally inspired and excited!

    In Randy Pausch’s last lecture, he so brilliantly explains that everything is does not have to be about him and how he focuses on things outside of him. He then goes on to celebrate his wife’s birthday! it is the most touching moment for his family and especially his wife. I got that same feeling when I saw my name mentioned! :-D

    I hope and pray that you continue to be as great as you are and reach the pinnacles of excellence!

    Thank you again! :-D
    Best regards,

  14. There’s a channel on YouTube called MotivationalPower, interesting too:

  15. One of my favourites: I love the single version of Defying Gravity by Idina Menzel.

    It’s from a musical, Wicked, where the original (duet) version is about a turning point in the main characters life, a very, very emotional scene. In the single version, the song is a less dramatic, more harmonious version of the same decision.

    I’ve tried to find it on YouTube to link it here, but that version is not up right now (it was, but…); here’s the lyrics instead.



    PS: Eye of the Tiger is GREAT!!! One of my Come-on-let’s-do-it-NOW! songs. :-)

  16. Another great song is from Rocky 4 called “Hearts on Fire”. Highly inspirational. The Rocky series surely had some inspiring music.

  17. currently,
    Vanessa Amorosi – The Power

    why i like this song?
    THE POWER TO BE ME !!!! :twisted:


  18. This is fabulous!
    When I saw the title, the two which sprang to mind were somewhere over the rainbow (I adore wizard of oz) and Whitneys greatest love all all.


    Oooohh I know I am going to be thinking of loads more now!

  19. M People, Proud.

    I I know my afternoon is going to be spent on this now!!

  20. Hurray! Many of my personal favorites have been listed :)

    2 of my all-time favorites that were not included are Go The Distance from Hercules and If We Hold On Together from the Land before Time. Never fails to give me the extra strength, faith and courage to persist :)

    One of my recent favourites is “I Believe” by Katherine Jenkins and Andrea Bocelli. It speaks of standing up, showing up and making the world a better place for all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXzpSe-YEJg&feature=related

    Another song with a strong, beautiful and inspiring message is Michael Jackson’s Heal The World. :)

  21. Greate collection. Definately keeps you pumped up when you are down.

    One more to add to the list
    You Gotta Be – Des’ree :-P

    Here is the link

  22. Katie Brandt 15 years ago

    Awesome post again Celes! I like the more upbeat songs to get me inspired so Rocky and I will Survive were the top of my list. I also am a HUGE Dave Matthews Band fan and all of his songs make me think. The lyrics can mean many different things and depending what is going on in my life I can relate to what he sings about.

  23. Thank you so much for this post, some of them are my long favourites. I’d like to share these songs mainly for their lyrics, including some in Mandarin:

    Stay The Same (Joey McIntyre)

    Breakaway (Kelly Clarkson)

    Everything in its Time (Corrinne May)

    My Way (Frank Sinatra)

    Some Say Love/ The Rose (Olivia Ong, original Bette Midler)

    黄金路 (迷路兵)

    稻香 (周杰伦)

    我要的幸福 (孫燕姿)

    年輕無極限 (孫燕姿)

    第一天 (孫燕姿/五月天 )

    笑忘歌 (五月天)

    如煙 (五月天)

  24. Gary Proctor 15 years ago

    Great choice of songs and music to inspire and lift up. I wonder, though, how you could list twenty songs and not include “I Have A Dream” by ABBA. (I believe in magic, Something good in everything I see. and, If you know the magic of a fairy tale, You can face the future, even if you fail)

    I also love LOve loVE “Life’s Been Good to Me” by the Eagles. It’s a spoof of rock star life but the message coming through to this septuagenarian is that for all its ups and downs, there have been more ups than downs.

  25. Jan Kadlec 15 years ago

    Hi Celes,

    I have really enjoyed this article. The reason why so, is becuase I am just a little a DJ and music is my passion, so this topic made me feel more satisfied :)

    About what is my favorite inspirational music, I believe DJ should know lot of music genres, such as I do. So I do not have any special inspirational song, but I love to listen to the music mixes, such as I am producing them.

    I have yesterday finished one blog post, that shows my passion to music megamixes, if you want to listen please visit my blog:

    “20 Artist Megamixes You Should Listen To”

    Thank you and I hope it shows a different view on music. =)

    — Jan aka “DJ Tukancheez” :)

  26. I hope you dance- Lee Ann Womack

    The lyrics says it all!!


  27. Kirstine Vergara 15 years ago

    It’s amazing how songs can move a person. I especially like “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi, so 90’s and yet can make you want to sing your heart out. :) This song was once used in a juice commercial and when I was a kid, my snack will never be complete without it. So whenever I hear that song, I’m reminded of my childhood – sweet, simple, and no worries and I’m motivated to try and make things as simple as when I was still a kid.

  28. This is such a great list! I found myself smiling and getting energized just reading through the list. I’m pretty sure you covered the majority of my favorites…”Eye of the Tiger” has always been my “pump up song.”

    I would have to second Arvind for LeAnn Womack’s “I Hope You Dance,” and would also have to add Natasha Bedingfield’s “Unwritten.” That song has helped to pick me up on some lousy days…I would just put in on the iPod and run…always felt better after. =)

  29. J.D. Meier 15 years ago

    I’m glad Beautiful Day made the list … I was wondering if I was the only one inspired by it. It’s one of my cruising in the Jeep songs.

    Every time I see Enigma I have to do a double-take to see if it was enema.

    A few of my favorites are:
    1. Ozzy’s Crazy Train
    2. Lincoln Park’s Faint
    3. Steppen Wolf’s, Born to Be Wild
    4. Willy DeVille’s, Storybook Love
    5. Queen’s, We are the Champions
    6. Cumba Wumba’s, tub Thumping
    7. Bachman Turner Overdrive, You Aint Seen Nothing yet
    8. Charlie Daniels, The Devil Went Down to Georgia
    9. Glen Campbell’s, Like a Rhinestone Cowboy
    10.INXS, The Devil Inside
    11. Van Halen’s, Jump
    12. Van Halen’s, Why Can’t This Be Love
    13. Metallica’s, Nothing Else Matters
    14. Metallica’s, The Unforgiven
    15. T-Pain’s, Apple Bottom Jeans
    16. U2’s, Where the Streets Have No Name
    17. The Monkee’s, theme song
    18. The Monkee’s, Daydream Believer
    19. Kenny Loggins, Footloose
    20. Derek & the Domino’s, Layla
    21. Eagles, Life in the Fast Lane

  30. sudan gautam 15 years ago

    Few of them were good but i think you all missed
    1. If today was your last day- Nickelback
    2.Gotta be somebody- Nickelback
    3.Higher- Creed
    4.The song you sing-Creed
    5.I am alive- celion dion

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