Why We Should Stop Wasting (And How To Prevent Waste)


(Inspired by my recent travels in the U.S., today’s post is about waste. I can’t imagine this would be a popular topic but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t write about it. This is equally important as other areas of personal growth. Read on.)

In the seven weeks I lived in New York City, one of the occupants in the apartment I stayed in, a local, was extremely wasteful. He had a habit of buying a lot of food while he was out, storing it in the fridge, and doing the same thing the next day — to the point where half the fridge would be filled with his food.

Since a lot of his purchases were takeout, they would go bad after a week and would eventually get thrown out, much to my horror. Bear in mind some of the food were literally untouched. I tried to salvage whatever I could by helping him finish the food, but a lot of ithad to be thrown away.

Having been brought up by my parents to be mindful of my consumption needs, I dislike wasteful behavior and was shocked by what I saw every day.

His wasn’t the only wasteful behavior I encountered. Another housemate I stayed with in NYC, a local too, would never pack food no matter how much food was left over. Whether we were eating in or out, regardless of how much food was left (we’re talking about good quality food that would make up another meal or two), he would throw them all away. One time there was about 30-40% of food left. Another time about 99% of the meal was intact as he had only taken 1-2 bites.

When I asked him why he wouldn’t take away the food, he said he just didn’t want leftovers. Even if the food was perfectly good for another meal, even if there was a lot of food left. If he ever wanted to eat something, he said he would want a new meal, be it getting it from the store or making it himself. I suspect it wasn’t just him — I observed the same behavior from the locals I met later on (even outside of NYC).

This is a sharp contrast from the people I met while in London, who would pack whatever food they could not finish, be it in a restaurant or at home. It could be at a Chinese restaurant with stir-fried food; at an Indian restaurant with naans, chickpeas, spinach, and curries; or at home with home-cooked meal. They would store it in the fridge, then have it the next day or later in the week. I was inspired by their spirit to save and conserve, and later cultivated the habit of packing my food in restaurants whenever I couldn’t finish the meal.

Whatever it is, it made me realize that beyond the States, all of us live in a very wasteful society today. It’s only a matter of relativity. And this inspired me to write today’s post on preventing waste in our world today.

The Epidemic of Waste

Here is a small fact sheet regarding waste which I reckon many of us don’t know about (and neither did I before writing this post). While many of the facts pertain to the U.S., we can take them as a directional guide for other parts of the world:

  • Food Wastage Facts:
    • As of 2011, 1.3 billion tons of food, or one third of the global food production, are lost or wasted annually.[1]
    • Loss and wastage occurs in all steps in the food supply chain. In low-income countries, most loss occurs during production, while in developed countries much food is wasted at the consumption stage.[1]
    • In US, a shocking 40% of food waste occurs at home. In a cross-country survey done among 400 US households, 93% of respondents acknowledged buying foods they never used.[2][3]
  • Plastic Facts:
    • Our consumption rate of plastic bags today is over 500 billion plastic bags annually. That’s almost 1 million plastic bags used every minute![4]
    • According to The Wall Street Journal, the U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic bags annually (for shopping). An estimated 12 million barrels of oil is required to make that many plastic bags.[4]
    • Plastic bags cause hundreds of thousands of birds, sea turtle and other marine animal deaths every year because these creatures mistake plastic trash for food.[4]
    • On average, every household uses 500 plastic bottles each year, of which just 130 are recycled.[5]
    • North Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.[12]
  • Paper Facts:
    • A typical business office will produce about 1.5 pounds of paper waste per employee, per day.[7]
    • The paper industry is the fourth largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions among United States manufacturing industries.[6]
    • Paper cups consume trees, water, and chemicals, and dump them into streams and landfills – they are not re-cyclable. Every year nearly 900 million trees are cut down to provide raw materials for American paper and pulp mills.[12]
    • Half the world’s forests have already been cleared or burned, and 80% of what’s left has been seriously degraded.[6]
    • Paper accounts for 25% of landfill waste (and one third of municipal landfill waste).[6]
  • Water Facts: 
    • Up to 99% of the world’s water supply is unusable – it’s either salty or located in ice caps and glaciers. This means only 1% of water in the world is usable.[8]
    • About 95% of the water entering our homes goes down the drain![9]
    • The average person in the United States uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day (or 300-380 liters!). Flushing the toilet takes up the largest amount of this water.[10]
  • Recycling Facts:
    • Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled but isn’t. The unreleased energy contained in the average dustbin each year could power a television for 5,000 hours.[11]
    • Every Sunday, more than 500,000 trees are used to produce the 88% of newspapers that are never recycled.[12]
  • Other Facts:
    • On average, 16% of the money you spend on a product pays for the packaging, which ultimately ends up as rubbish.[11]
    • Packaging accounts for 50% of all paper produced in North America, 90% of all glass, and 11% of aluminum.[12]

As you can see, there is a huge amount of waste in our world today. This wastage doesn’t just apply to food. It also applies to plastic, paper, water, fuel, material items, and even waste itself (recyclable waste not being recycled).

Why Wasting Is Bad

While it’s obvious wasting is very bad, here are four key reasons:

  1. Environmental costs. The production of goods and industrialization of our society have resulted in a lot of damage to our environment today. Cutting down of rainforests, global warming, depletion of ozone layer, water/land/air pollution, the death of marine life from plastic pollution, and many more – these could be reduced if we cut down waste.
  2. Depletes precious resources. Our resources are rapidly depleting since we are using them much quicker than they can be replaced. The American Petroleum Institute estimated in 1999 the world’s oil supply would be depleted between 2062 and 2094, while Energy Information Agency estimated in 2005 the world has about 60 years of natural gas left. Soon we will not have enough to survive. While alternative fuel sources are being sought out, majority of the world are still reliant on conventional fuel sources, and there is no guarantee we can transition to these alternatives before the original sources are used up. What is much more helpful than reducing waste is if we don’t waste to begin with – by consuming only when we need to.
  3. Generates clutter. When we purchase things we don’t need, be it material goods or food, it creates unnecessary clutter. Why create the problem of clutter, only to have to spend time, money, and energy to declutter later on? All this can be avoided by not generating waste to begin with.
  4. Waste money. Last but not least, waste results in monetary wastage. Buying things we don’t need means wasting money. Disposing of things which we could have avoided buying in the first place costs money too.

Why We Are Wasteful

If wasting is bad, then why is there such a culture of waste today?

Firstly, materialism and consumerism. Materialism is the preoccupation with material goods, while consumerism is the practice of purchasing more and more goods. Both are prevalent in our society today, which is engulfed with the notions of “More and more” and “The newer, the better”.

Because of that, we would buy things without considering if we need them, which results in wastage because we never have a need for the things we purchase.

This could have been avoided if we did not acquire stuff we didn’t need in the first place.

Secondly, we are ignorant about the issues of waste.

Many of us are only aware what is involved in the consumption stage of goods, without knowing what it took to produce those goods or what happens when they are thrown away. We take for granted that the world will always be around, not knowing our resources are being rapidly depleted as we speak, or the harm we are inflicting on our world.

I was once one of these people too. Reckless shopping, buying clothes that I thought I might wear but would eventually not wear, throwing out clothes that I had never worn before, and then repeating the cycle all over again. This is part of the materialistic culture in my country. It would be a matter of time before I realized how wasteful this behavior was and how it could be prevented by being conscious of my consumption in the first place.

The fact sheet above is to give you a glimpse of the damage we’re creating today. But just as we created this waste, we can prevent it too. It all starts with us.

How to Prevent Waste: Your Handy Guide

Respect Our Planet

In today’s guide, I’ll be sharing tips on how to prevent waste. These tips apply to all of us, regardless of who we are, what we do, and where we live. Because no matter we are from, there is always something we can to do help prevent waste.

1) Prevent Material Wastage

  • Buy only what you need.  Wastefulness is merely a symptom that we do not know what we need.  Before purchasing, ask yourself:
    1. Do I need this? Our modern society has created a materialistic culture, where people are encouraged to buy more without thinking if they need any of these things. This is the case everywhere in technology, fashion, and consumer goods. Differentiate between needing and wanting something. Buy only if you need it.
    2. If you’re buying food, ask yourself the additional question of: Will I finish this? Buy only if your answer is “yes” to both.
  • Make replacement purchases only if you need to.
    • The acquaintances I mentioned at the start told me that they change a new laptop every 3-6 months, which I found shocking! When I asked them why, they say it’s not because their current laptop is spoiled, lost, or made obsolete, but because they can.
    • Personally, I change a laptop once every 3-4 years, after it starts breaking down / becoming too slow for use. Bear in mind that my laptop is central to my business and crucial to my productivity. I only change mobile phones after a minimum of 3 years. The reason I get a new one each time is because the previous one got misplaced or it was spoiled. 
    • How often do you replace your items? To be honest, you don’t need that latest laptop/mobile/camera/watch/bag/wallet/clothing. Get it only if you have a real need for it. See the first point of this list.
  • Celebrating special occasions:
    • Learn to celebrate the occasion sans gifts. There is a message behind each occasion, and getting a gift is only one way of expressing the message. Learn to embrace and deliver the message without gifts, rather than rely on gifts to do the work.
    • Consider alternatives to gifts such as acts of kindness, e-cards, heartfelt letters (or emails), fun-filled activities, or meal treats. These are environmentally conscious ways of celebrating the event.
    • Buy gifts only if there is a need. If you absolutely have to buy something, do your research and ensure it’s something the person will use. The worst purchase is when you buy someone something for the sake of buying, and it’s not even something which the person want nor need. The best gift is when it’s something the person is intending to get for him/herself at some point anyway. This way, your gift has more meaning and will be put into good use.

2) Prevent Food Wastage

  • Cultivate the habit of packing food. Pack food after each meal (at home or in the restaurant), if you have leftovers. Packing food is a very good habit as it helps save not only food, but also time and money from not having to get your next meal. Even if you don’t like the food, pack it for someone else who may want it.
  • While you’re at it, bring your Tupperware whenever you go out. This way, you can easily pack food when needed, which will be handy since not all establishments provide packing boxes (such as food courts). Not only that, the reusability of the Tupperware means no wastage of packing boxes.
  • Buy only what you need. Don’t buy food unless you’re absolutely sure (a) you’re going to eat it (b) you’re going to finish it. This is especially so for perishable food like fruits, vegetables, takeout and prepacked food. The acquaintance I mentioned in the opening would buy food without considering if he was going to finish it or not — in the end, it would get tossed into the bin because it had gone bad before he ever got to it. Not only did he waste precious food, but he also wasted money.
  • Finish the food at home first before you buy more. Don’t buy food to stock up – we’re not entering a famine. Finish what you have at home first, then go grocery shopping.
  • Omit food you don’t want. In restaurants, if there is something you don’t eat in a dish, ask the server to omit that. For example, I don’t like to eat rice. Hence, if my dish comes with rice, I would ask the servers to exclude that, as opposed to them serving rice and having it thrown away eventually because it is untouched. Fine if I’m paying the same price – the point is not to waste food.

3) Prevent Plastic Wastage

Example of a recyclable bag

  • Bring your own bag. One of the biggest material wastage is via carrier paper/plastic bags. When grocery shopping, set aside a big bag or a trolley for grocery shopping, and use this whenever you head to the supermarket. Supermarkets like Ralphs (in the west coast of the States) let you buy a large recyclable bag for $0.99 USD which you can use over and over again. When doing general shopping, put your purchases in bags you have on hand. Let the cashiers know you don’t need their bags.
  • Save plastic cups.
    • At the office. If you work in an office, you probably have a pantry, complete with a coffee maker, tea bags, a water dispenser and plastic/paper cups – whereby you use 2-3 cups a day for just drinking. The average American office worker uses about 500 disposable cups every year! In a global corporation with 100,000 employees, that’s 50 million cups wasted annually! Instead of using disposable cups, get a mug and use this for all your drinks from now on.
    • Ordering at the cafe. If you order coffee/tea every day from the same cafe, keep the plastic cup and hand it to the server for your next orders. One cup a day adds up to hundreds a year. Starbucks has a program where you save 10 cents off your beverage when you bring your Starbucks reusable tumblers or travel mugs. Not only do you get to save the environment, you get to save your money too!
  • Save plastic utensils. Every year, Americans throw away enough paper and plastic cups, forks, and spoons to circle the equator 300 times. Many of us use plastic utensils once and throw them away after 1 use, which is a big waste and totally unnecessary. Bring a set of utensils whenever you go out (fork, knife, spoon). Now, use this set instead of taking plastic utensils when you eat out. Wash/wipe it when you’re done, so you can reuse it the next time.

4) Prevent Paper Wastage

  • Print only if you need to. Back when I was working in the corporate environment, a lot of paper was wasted every day printing material which was either used once or not used at all. If you have a presentation, have the audience refer to the screen instead. Print it only if you need it. A paperless office is the way to go in this new decade.
  • Go for soft copy over hard copy. In many exercises on PE, I mentioned I use soft copies over hard copies – be it my life handbook, my project guidebooks, or when I do writing exercises. I find soft copy a superior choice, because (1) you can make changes easily (2) it’s environmentally-friendly (3) it provides formatting advantages over writing (4) it’s space-friendly – you can store it all in your laptop, whereas writing on paper/books means having to take them wherever you go (5) with Ctrl+F, it’s easy to look for what you need – whereas writing on paper requires a manual search, which can take a while if you have a lot of material to work through.
  • Use rough paper if you need to write. If you really need to have a hard copy, then use rough paper as your first choice. There’s no need to buy a new fancy notebook or buy writing pads. Whenever I need to jot notes, I’ll take from the stack of rough papers I’ve collected over time.
  • Use a handkerchief or towel – over paper napkins or tissues, which add up quickly. You use it once and throw it away, even though 90% is unused most of the time. Play a part in saving our rainforests. Use a handkerchief to wipe your hands/mouth (one side for each). Handkerchiefs used to be seen as old-fashioned and unhygienic, but I think it’s now the “in” thing to do. It’s reusable, a conscious choice, and cute too, if I may say so myself. At home, use a towel for cleaning. Put them away in the laundry basket when they are dirty. That way, you also save water.

5) Prevent Water Wastage

Conserve Water

  • Turn the tap tight every time. Make sure it does not drip. Fix your tap if it’s leaking – get a plumber or fix it yourself. A tap that drips one one drop a second wastes more than 600 liters a month, or over 7,500 liters a year! (Source: U.S. Geological Survey)
  • Take short showers (3-4 minutes), over baths or long showers. Baths use nearly 2.5 times as much water as showers, while showers use 3-4 buckets of clean drinking water – every minute. (Source: Water Wise)
  • When washing your face, use a basin and a sponge, rather than let the water run.
  • Use a mug to rinse your mouthRunning the tap while brushing your teeth can waste 4 gallons of water. (Source: Huffington Post)
  • At home, use the same set of utensils, plate and bowlWash them only if they are dirty. I realized a lot of us wash our utensils or put it away in the sink when it’s still perfectly clean. Most of the time, I use my plate or bowl as a place to hold my food (like fruits, vegetables, or bread slices) and they barely get dirty. Hence, I use them over and over, and wash them only when they are dirty.
Dual Flush
Example of a dual flush in my house. The smaller button is a half flush, while the larger button is a full flush.
  • Do you know a full toilet flush can use up to 15 liters of water for every flush, whereas half flush uses less than 6 liter? (Source: Water Wise) When using the toilet, use a half flush if it’s number one (pee), and a full flush if it’s number two (poo). Install a dual-flush toilet system if you don’t already have one.
  • If you use a dishwasher, turn it on only when it’s full. Not when it’s half-full.
  • Do your laundry only when you have a maximum load. The same amount of water is used whether you’re washing only 1 underwear or one huge basket of clothes.

6) Prevent Fuel Wastage

  • Switch off lights when no in use. Casper doesn’t need lights to see his way around.
  • Switch off appliances when you’re not using them. Including TV, radio, and the computer.
  • Don’t get a car unless you absolutely need to. Not only do you conserve the environment, you also save money, since having a car can be quite expensive, especially in places like Singapore, New York City, and London.
  • Use alternatives to private transport. Such as the public transport, cycling, walking, or even car pooling. When I was in Holland, I was amazed at their culture of cycling. Not only does it help fuel conservation in the country, it also keeps everyone trim and fit – Holland is easily the country with highest proportion of fit people I’ve ever been to.

7) Other Tips To Prevent Waste


  • Cultivate the habit of recycling.
    • Did you know that… 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours? 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes? 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours? And 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials? (Source: Recycling Guide)
    • When I was in Germany, I couldn’t help but notice recycling is such an integral part of German culture. Every German household has 2 bins: 1 for trash, and 1 for recyclable material. In public, there are always different bins for different recyclable materials. Not surprisingly, Germans lead the World in recycling, with 70% of their waste recycled every year. (Source: Trash Planet)
    • The German’s recycling culture is something worthy of replicating. Get into the habit of recycling. Put aside recyclable waste and dispose of them in the appropriate recycling bins.
  • Donate things you don’t need. For clothes, shoes, books, and other belongings that you don’t need, either (a) sell them on eBay (b) give them to someone you know who will have a use for them, or (c) donate them to the Salvation Army, orphanages or old folks’ home. Don’t throw them away or leave them lying around unused. You may not recognize this, but there are plenty of people out there who can benefit from them.

Closing Words

Change starts with you.

I imagine most, some of you might have skimmed through this guide, and went “Oh yeah, I do this, this and this – That’s enough.” or “This is boring stuff. Who cares about environmental conservation? Let others do the work.

But no, this shouldn’t be the way. PE is about personal excellence, and personal excellence isn’t just about working on our lives, our careers, our health, and our relationships. That’s part of it, but not all of it. True personal excellence also includes knowing our place in this world, knowing the impact of our existence on others, and taking action to make the world a better place for all of us.

Let us all do our part in conserving our world. You will be amazed by how much change one person can effect. If each of us follows all the tips outlined in this tutorial, and in turn influence others around us to do the same, the impact would be staggering.

We only have one world to live in, so let’s not destroy it with our reckless behavior.

Get the manifesto version of this article: How to Prevent Waste [Manifesto]

(Image; Recyclable bag; Other images © PE)

  1. Great article Celes! Something I wouldn’t have picked as being something you would write about.

    I too can never understand people leaving food behind. There have been times I’ve been to a restauant and asked for a container to take the left overs home. And a couple of times the people I’ve been with have given me bad looks for doing that. I’d already asked if they wanted any, and even then I got a bit of a bad look as if it wasn’t the thing to do. But eating that restaurant food at home the next day is great!

    The same goes for any food at home. Rarely does anything get thrown out. Normally only if it’s something that’s gone bad quicky. Left over fruit or greens I’ll juice instead of throwing them out.

    Our water usage is good. According to our water bill, our usage for two people is still less than the recommended amount for one person.

    Plastic bags.. I’m a bit guilty there, simply from forgetting to take a shopping bag with me, except when going to Aldi where they charge you 15c for bags. All supermarkets should really have that poicy. But any plastic bags that come into the house get used in our 4 rubbish bins, in the juicer’s pulp container or to wrap vegies to keep them fresh in the fridge. So they come in handy :) Without them, I’d have to buy garbage bags.

    • Celes
      Celes 13 years ago

      I used to think the whole charging for bags thing is sneaky and somewhat outrageous, but now I think it’s probably one of the most effective ways to get people to bring their own bags! They do it all over Taipei and Hongkong, but not in Singapore (yet – except select stores like Ikea if I’m not wrong).

  2. Lots of great tips! I agree, change starts with us. Some of my thoughts…

    Food: Many times we would be able to finish our food, because the portions are usually just right for me. Even if I can’t, my parents would eat those that I couldn’t finish.

    Plastic bags: apart from times we need plastic bags to throw the rubbish out, my family always brings my shopping bag with us. It’s always kept in the boot of our car so it’s useful. :D Also, it’s easier to carry because each bag can fit more stuff.

    Paper: Sometimes my teachers print worksheets on only one side and I get quite fed up with it. (1) If all the worksheets are printed like this my files get gigantic easily (2) it really wastes a lot of paper.

    Water: I think many houses in SG have the dual flush, but my current rental house doesn’t (simply because this is a really old condo). The dual flush if I’m not wrong is fitted into new houses these days.

    Things we don’t need: For me, I either give them to my maid or recycle them. For used textbooks, I give it to my friends or donate it to my school.

    Okay, this is definitely enough. Great post! :)

    • Celes
      Celes 13 years ago

      Hey Amanda! You may be right – I wouldn’t be surprised if dual flush is commonly found in SG homes, especially since water is scarce and we’re taught to preserve water as a nation. However, in my travels throughout Europe and US, I was surprised that none of the toilets (that I recall) had the dual flush. It would seem that conserving water isn’t as much of a priority in the other countries. Even if one doesn’t have that at home though, I believe it can be easily installed with a plumber’s help.

      • Wow. In SG water is really limited and if I’m not wrong M’sia is looking to cut the water supply. If that happens water prices are going to be really expensive. :)

        I don’t think I’ve visited US… if I did it’s when I was very young, so I can’t comment on that. ;)

    • If a toilet doesn’t have dual flush, you can try to put an empty small bottle inside it (if there is an access to it) so it will not fill to the top.

      Another way is to press flush twice – first time to start it and second to stop (without waiting for the whole water to come out).

  3. That bit about your New York acquaintances throwing out food shocked me! I’m American, and I was raised to always bring food home, eat leftovers. I actually looked forward to it, because yesterday’s restaurant food was way better in a packed lunch than a PB&J sandwich. I really can’t understand the reasoning behind throwing away something you paid for.

    In my house we’re pretty good about recycling, even though we don’t have curbside recycling pick up and have to drive it to the recycling center. Plastic bags are a bit of an issue though. When we had a dog, we used to save them to pick up doggy waste, but that isn’t necessary anymore, so we really should switch to reusable.

    • Celes
      Celes 13 years ago

      That’s great to hear, Laurel! I’m glad to know that you are raised to bring food home, eat leftovers, etc, and I’m glad to see examples contrary to what I encountered. It sounds like your family is very environmentally conscious. The wasteful behavior may be specific to the people I’ve met then (though I’ve met quite a few, and they actually come from different states, including west coast, east coast, and southeast coast). I was personally quite shocked by their behaviors too, but I suppose it’s more to do with upbringing than them intentionally trying to be wasteful.

      On plastic bags, it shocks me how quickly they add up. For example just a few days of doing simple grocery shopping while I was in US and it led to over 10 bags accumulated. In Singapore, while they don’t charge yet (unlike Taipei/HongKong), they often ask you if you want/need a bag before issuing you one, so it gets you to think first.

  4. Celes, this is one of the best posts you’ve done yet. A great wake-up call for all of us before it’s too late.

  5. Hi Celes,

    I visited Houston, Texas last year and was staying with my American friend and I observed the same as well. He did pack the leftovers but couldn’t always finish them. And sometimes when the waiter asked if we would like more bread after we finish 1 and still waiting for our mains, he’d say yes and leave the bread untouch as the mains arrive shortly after. After that meal I asked him why he got the second loaf of bread if he is not planning to eat it, he said because he can.

    I noticed some other patrons of the restaurants leaving huge amount of food behind too and the wastage appalled me too. That’s one of the biggest complain I have had when I returned from the States. I used to think that since they are bigger in size, perhaps they need more food which explains the portions. But later on I realized that hey, we are all humans and our stomach size can’t differ that much right? Even if they halve the portions of food they have, it’s plenty for them. Imagine where the other half of the portion can go! Feeding hungry people in Ethiopia or something.

    In fact the other day I was doing a little introspection exercise and noted “smaller portions of food in US” as 1 change I’ll like to do in the world. Which is why when I saw your email 5 mins ago (just woke up), i had to comment and Im still in bed. Haha!

    • Celes
      Celes 13 years ago

      Hey Sharon, that’s very altruistic that you cited that as one of the changes you’d like to make in the world! :D I had the same responses from my friends as yours, in that when I asked them why they do [said wasteful behavior], they’ll reply with ‘because I can’. And not in a snobbish, spiteful way too – I think it’s just a natural result of growing up in an abundant climate, so being mindful of consumption and wastage has never been occurred to them.

  6. Great article. Love the topic. :dance:
    I agree with everything you said.
    Materialism, consumerism and wasteful behavior are big problems in our society. I see them here in the US, and there in China, sometimes beyond belief and understanding.
    I want to share my “8 R’s for a greener earth” – Respect, Responsibility, Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle.

    • Celes
      Celes 13 years ago

      Thanks Qin Tang, and thanks for sharing your post with us! :)

  7. Celes
    Celes 13 years ago

    Was having my lunch while I was out just now, and suddenly thought of another waste prevention tip – to bring tupperwares with us while we’re out, so we can easily pack food if we need to. Especially so since not all establishments provide packing boxes (for example, food courts). The other reason being this prevents wastage of the packing boxes themselves. Just added this to the article. ;)

  8. I admit it wasn’t until I got older until I started to noticed how wasteful I was. Even when others pointed it out to be when I was younger, I still didn’t think much of it. I when it started to directly affect me I took notice. But I’m happy to report now that I’m not wasteful at all. I’ve been really good about it.

  9. Great post!

    Personally I’ve this habit of buying (and hoarding) books. But after a while, it was really meaningless having a bunch of books in the shelf I read only once. So I’ve decided that I would only borrow from the library or buy secondhand bks.

    Anyway I’m reminded of the movie “The Fight Club”; these quotes reflects more on the materialism and consumerism culture –

    “We spend out lives chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy things we don’t need. The things we own, end up owning us. If you don’t know what you want, you end up with a lot you don’t.”

  10. Hi Celes,

    I’m a long-time follower of your excellent blog – and think this is one of your best articles yet. I live in London, and regularly ask for food to be boxed. It’s funny – in many of the indian/chinese/viet restaurants I use, they are happy to do so, but in english/french establishments it’s seen as socially awkward.

    Also – my partner is well-used to my ‘funny habit’ of doggy-bagging food for later, but many of my friends look askance and ask if I’m feeling the pinch. I would just much rather enjoy a lovely meal twice than have it thrown away! I also grew up in a household where food was a precious resource as we weren’t wealthy and I feel really uncomfortable seeing good food thrown away.

    That said, I think I do shop wastefully for veggies and don’t menu-plan (critical if you’re thinking ahead about minimising food waste over the week) and this article has been a great wake-up call.

    Keep it coming!


  11. The wastefulness you described is quite surprising. I would imagine the people you met who did this have high incomes considering they live in Manhattan. I know few people who could afford to buy and throw away that much food every week or buy new laptops every 3 months like you describe.

    We have a lot of modern conveniences that a designed to be disposable so that does lead to much waste. Things like plastic bags can add really add up. I go grocery shopping 2 or 3 times a week so I probably use 10 to 15 bags each week! I never thought about that until I read your post. I will have to pick up reusable bags like you suggested.

    I have been trying to save energy lately though. Winter is usually the time of year that my electric bill may double because of the cost of heating my home. I usually must have the heater on at all times from December through early March. One thing I have done to help save energy and money though is to use a space heater. It’s a small heating I can plug into a wall outlet. I use this at night in my bedroom while I sleep. I can then turn off the central heat to the rest of my apartment. I save money by only heating one room for 8 hours rather than my entire home. the only drawback though is that when I step out of my bedroom in the morning the rest of my home is freezing!

  12. Shocking…and yet,understandable. If we hold on to things for reusing or finding how to recycle we are in danger of becoming hoarders. So, the problem is to get rid of it as soon as possible.

    Having become very active in our church outreach projects I learned a great deal.First of all I learned to hold on to things or get rid of what I had by first of all thinking of others’ needs. Food gets given to the soup kitchen before it can spoil, expire or get full of bugs (a real problem here.) Clothing is looked at in a different way.

    Redistribution is an art. We are at the moment dividing piles of books up for schools and programs and resale.Books weigh tons!

    But I think one huge success has been especially now with the use of blister pack ( I thought so wasteful) medicines are kept longer . So after the comment of one man on the waste of medicines and the call for help from a free clinic we have had several drives to clean out medicine cabinets.

    It is time for science to get working on how to ” unzip” all those wonderful products they have managed to pair up.We need new technology to cope with what we’ve created. And a whole landfill of awareness.
    Thanks for the article
    Claire R

  13. Nigel Chua 13 years ago

    Hi Celes

    I thoroughly enjoyed this article…and the depth, breath and width of this topic you covered on not wasting! I like it! Yes, fundamental principles is minimalism, to use or buy what one need, and/or plan what one needs (food, inventory, equipment etc). However, unlike what you mentioned, I think classifying it as just consumerism or ignorance is enough to cut into the matter – I think there may be deeper issues involved, such as emotional attachment to having more than enough/surplus in sight/use/area.

    Perhaps, other areas we can also consider covering, other than your already super-in depth article which covered mainly re-use, reduce and recycle, is maybe perhaps we can try to look at green energy and clean energy, for the future.

    What do you think?

  14. I live in NYC for about 18 years and i must say. Most people would never package the food with them for later. I always package food if i am unable to finish it. Since I am a night person, i like that feeling when you’re watching a movie at midnight only to find out there’s something on the fridge to eat. I consider all my takeout as my midnight snack.


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