My Channel News Asia Feature (28 Dec 2010)

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For all those who caught me on Channel News Asia BlogTV yesterday (Dec 28, 2010), thank you so much! I really appreciate all of your supportive tweets, facebook messages and emails! :D . I had a great time on the show and interacting with the hosts and guests.

Many of you have been asking me for a recorded version of the show, so I’ve posted up pictures and videos in this post for your convenience. :D (Thanks a lot Bee Keng for helping me with the downloading of the videos!)

To the new visitors who are visiting after catching me on BlogTV site or CNA, welcome to Personal Excellence! I’m Celes, and I’m the founder of this site. This is a budding community for people who are passionate about living their life to the fullest. You’ll find many resources here (articles, ebooks, etc) to help you achieve your highest potential. :D Please head over to the Welcome Guide for a tour of the site. Since the segment was on bucket lists, you might be interested to check out my related articles on this topic:

Watch the show:

Update Dec 21, 2012: After two years, I’ve been invited back on Channel News Asia to speak on bucket lists! :) Check out my interview here as well as behind-the-scenes photos with Ms. Suzanne Jung herself (presenter on CNA’s AM! Live!): My Channel News Asia AM Live! interview on Bucket List