Singapore PE Readers Meetup (Jun 2013) – Pictures

Two weeks ago, we had a PE readers meetup in Singapore. :)

Singapore PE Readers Meetup in June 2013, Group Shot

The turnout was great at about 25 people. Thank you so much to all of you for coming. :D 

Antonia, Celes, Alice, Le Leng

Antonia, Celes, Alice, Le Leng. Antonia was my sponsored image coach back when I was doing my sponsored Lunch Actually service. Le Leng knew me from attending my talks in National Library back in 2009. We have since become very good friends! :D

 Serina, Celes, Mel

Serina, Myself, and Mel. Mel attended the Halloween Meetup in SG last year as well!

Clarabelle, Wanxuan, Roxanne, Celes, Ngee Key, Hong Wei

Clarabelle, Wanxuan, Roxanne, Celes, Hendri, Hong Wei. The three beautiful ladies got to know each other from last year’s PE meetup and became very good friends since then! I love that the meetups have become forums to meet like-minded friends. :D

Serina, Ngee Key, Dolly, Celes, Ken

Serina, Ngee Key, Dolly, Celes, Ken. Serina is Ngee Key’s friend while Ngee Key and Dolly were participants of my passive income course last year. Ken is my then-boyfriend and now fiance. :)

The meetup was actually a readers meetup in conjunction with my 29th birthday celebration. For those of you who don’t know, it was my birthday on 25 June. I wasn’t expecting to get any gifts, so imagine my surprise when one-third of the people turned up with gifts. To those of you who turned up with presents–Le Leng Mama, Wanxuan, Roxanne, Antonia, Ngee Key, Serena, Sam, Hilda, and Wen–thank you so much! I can’t thank you enough.

Birthday Gifts for my 29th Birthday

Birthday gifts. Yes, that’s a very calorie-controlled piece of cake at the bottom of the image.

My favorite gift has to be the one from Ngee Key. It’s a Russian Doll which comprises of a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed inside one another. I like it because I feel that it is an object of symbols and meaning.

Russian doll

Russian doll from Ngee Key

Sam and Celes

This is Sam, a recent PE reader, together with me

Sam got me the most personalized gift I can ever ask for–he custom made a birthday card for me! I originally thought he bought it from some classy bookstore until I saw my face on the card. I thought, “That can’t be right! Why would a birthday card have my face?” Thank you so much for your card Sam–it’s so thoughtful and sweet! :D

29th Birthday Card by Sam

Sam’s birthday card for me

Wanxuan, a long-time PE reader, got me a book–Anatomy of Peace by The Arbinger Institute. Seems like it’s a book on conflict management. I’ve never heard of it before but it sounds interesting. Thanks Wanxuan, I’ll surely check it out! :D

Book — Anatomy of Peace

Gift from Wanxuan–The Anatomy of Peace

No birthday gathering is complete without the singing of a birthday song, so everyone gathered to sing a birthday song for me.

SG PE Readers Meetup: Singing birthday song

Singing birthday song

Making a birthday wish

Making a birthday wish… I wished to always be happy and for everyone to always be happy too. :)

A production house working with MediaCorp was there that day to film me for an upcoming documentary, so cameras were rolling the whole time. To those of you who were at the event that day–I hope it didn’t disrupt your meetup experience!

SG PE Readers Meetup: Mediacorp filming crew

Filming crew. That’s Ben and Sha.

After the initial ice breaking and birthday song singing, the attendees were free to mingle with one another.

SG PE Readers Meetup: Participants mingling

Participants mingling. From left to right–Hong wei, Hendri, Wanxuan, Roxanne, Clarabelle

SG PE Readers Meetup: Participants mingling #2

More attendees. We took up about half the cafe that day!

SG PE Readers Meetup: Participants mingling #3

Attendees having interesting small group discussions :)

SG PE Readers Meetup: Participants mingling #4

Filming crew getting in on the action during the meetup

Once again, thanks everyone for taking the time to attend. :) Some of you wanted to come but couldn’t make it; I hope you guys can make it for the next meetup then, whenever it is. :) Usually the meetup frequency is about once to twice a year.

(Photos: Personal Excellence)