Who’s Interested in a Fitness Challenge for Feb 2012?

Healthy Living Challenge

It’s been over a week since we wrapped up Live a Healthier Life in 21 Days Challenge (21DHL) for Jan 2012. Thank YOU to all 265 of you who gamely signed up, stuck to the tasks, stuck to your ideal diets, and improved your health for the better! The first month of 2012 is not even up, and you’ve already scored a home run in in the first 3 weeks! You should be very proud of yourself! :D

Now as we approach February, and now that I’m finally back in Singapore after my 7-month long travels, I’m excited to get back into a proper exercising routine – without crazy cold weathers, travel itineraries, and constant changing home bases getting in the way!

Here’s what – I’m highly interested in having a 21-day exercising challenge, where all of us embark on some physical activity for 21 days. It’s not some military-style challenge – just us, exercising for 21 days, choosing whatever exercise we want for the day, for however long the duration it might be (be it 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or even hours if we want!).

So who’s interested to join in?? If and only if we have enough people interested, I’ll kick off a challenge for all of us, right here at PE!

Whether we’re having the challenge or not, I’m definitely moving ahead with my fitness plans, so it’s either we do it together or I’m doing it myself! ;) So hop on in and let me know what you think now!!

Update Jan 31, 8:55pm (GMT +8): Ok, ask and you shall receive! I’ve just kicked off the 21-Day Fitness Challenge post, so sign up directly there! Comments are now closed for this post. See you guys there! ;)