Away On Meditation Retreat

Hands cupped over the sunrise

While I’m away from now till 13 July, visit the archives, which houses over 100 quality, timeless articles in over 35 categories and the top articles which features the best of Speak with you guys soon! :)

Starting from this Wed, first July, I will be away at St John’s island (an island off Singapore) for almost 2 weeks for a meditation retreat. :D This retreat is conducted by Vipassana Singapore. Vipassana is also the name of the meditation technique which will be taught during the retreat. To quote from the website:

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills, an Art of Living.

I’m quite excited about this retreat – it has been 2 months in the waiting, having registered for it in early May. Before that, I have always been looking around to take part in meditation/spiritual retreats since increasing my spiritual awareness is one of my key life goals. However, the retreats offered by other institutions charge quite a sizable amount, usually ranging in the thousands! Imagine my amazement when I found out about the Vipassana and how it’s free to the public (thanks Darren for telling me about this! :D ). They run solely on gracious donations by course participants and I intend to donate at the end of the course to support their well-intended services.

This is going to be the first break I’ve taken since starting my personal development business in Dec ’08. After about 6 months of working on my passion, I’m glad to say that everything is moving really well right now – perhaps better than I thought too :D The funny thing is, though it’s been a surreal 6-months, it feels as if I have been doing this about forever. :D Thank you to all of you readers and coachees / ex-coachees for your continuous support and for giving me the opportunity to enter your lives. I will definitely be doing this for the rest of my life and I hope you will be here to walk the path with me all the way :)

Besides furthering on my spirituality and the timely break, I feel this retreat might give me added insights and revelations on some of the things I’m facing in life now. For one, I’m looking to bring / my personal development work to a whole new level as I move into the second half of 2009, and I might find some pointers during the retreat. I was half joking with my friends that I might become really holy and Zen-like after this :D . Let me know if the tone and theme of my articles change dramatically when I return ;)

While I’m there, I will have absolutely no access to internet, computer, mobile phone, etc. This means I won’t be able to check my emails at all. All mail sent over the next 2 weeks will only be replied to in the week of 13 July. My out of office reply has been set. I have also rescheduled all my coaching sessions to resume in that week.

In the meantime, remember there’s always the archives, which houses over 100 quality, timeless articles in over 35 categories. Until then, remember to be your best self and live your best life! :D

(Image: Sunrise)