Catch me on 938LIVE, this Tuesday, 2-3pm, on The WOW Club! (Dec 11, 2012)


Just a quick announcement to share that I’ll be on 938 LIVE this Tuesday, Dec 11 2012, on The WOW Club hosted by the very lovely Michelle Martin! :D WOW stands for Women of Worth and this is where Michelle interviews inspirational women who have great stories and lessons to share. This is my first time on WOW segment and I’m very excited that Michelle has invited me to be on the show!

This will be my fifth time on 938 LIVE, with the first time being in 2009 where I was on The Living Room (hosted by Stanley Leong), second time this year on Slice of Life (by Eugene Loh), and third and forth times last month on They are Making a Difference (by Daniel Martin) for the 14-Day Kindness Challenge. (Not sure if Daniel and Michelle are related since they share the same last name?)

The segment will air from 2–3pm, Singapore time (GMT +8). Equivalent timings:

  • PST: 10-11pm, Dec 10 (Mon)
  • EST: 1-2am, Dec 11 (Mon)
  • UTC / GMT +0: 6-7am, Dec 11 (Tue)

It will be a talk show, free-flow format. I’ll sharing about my story, difficulties I faced in my journey at the beginning, how I overcame them, and what you should do to succeed in your personal endeavors. :D

For those in Singapore, tune in through radio 93.8FM. For those not in Singapore, you can still listen to the show! Simply login to the 938LIVE radio page during the day/time itself, and you’re set!

Update: The interview is now over! I had a really great time speaking with Michelle today and she has created the space for me to pack as much value as possible within the 1-hour interview (about 25 minutes minus commercials and traffic reports). Listen to the recording in my media section.

938LIVE Interview with Michelle Martin

With Michelle Martin outside 938 LIVE studio

Special thanks to 938LIVE for allowing me to share the recording link on the site. Hope you guys will find it useful! :) I certainly enjoyed my time with Michelle!