21DPC Day 4 – What Is Your Favorite Movie? And Why?

This is Day 4 of the 21-Day Positivity Challenge held in March 2012, where we work on being positive for 21 days. The challenge is now over but you can do the tasks in your own time. Visit the overview page for all the challenge tasks.

Happy girl in the field

Hello everyone, and welcome to Day 4 of the 21-Day Positivity Challenge (21DPC)! :D

Important: Sign Up First Before Reading Any Further

If you’re new to 21-Day Positivity Challenge, or you have not signed up yet (your name should be in the official participants list), please read the announcement post and sign up first before going any further: 21-Day Positivity Challenge. All details on the challenge, what to expect, and how to sign up can be found there.

If you have already duly completed the 3 sign up steps, your name will be added in the next 36 hours. ♥ Thank you!

Today is your final chance to sign up if you haven’t. I’ll be closing the sign ups in 24 hours as of the publishing of this post. So hurry and join us!

Update March 21: The challenge is now officially over, but you are more than welcome to do it in your personal space. Check out all posts made during the challenge: 21DPC Overview.

21DPC Day 4 Question

Today’s positivity question is:

What Is Your Favorite Movie? And Why?


While we’re on the topic of movies, check out the following PE articles on inspiring movies:

Your Task:

  1. Reflect and answer today’s question(s). Write as few or as many words as needed to fully express yourself.
  2. Share your favorite movie with someone.
    • Think of someone in your life who may enjoy (or even benefit from) this movie.
    • Now, share this movie with him/her, whether by way of a verbal recommendation, by lending him/her your DVD/VCD (if you have it), by buying a copy for him/her (if you want to), or even inviting him/her over to watch the movie together in the upcoming weekend.
    • The point of this is to share the love and joy you’ve experienced from this movie with someone else. He/she may well be inspired by it in the same way as you have.
  3. Identify at least one positive thing about your day. It may be something small or something big – as long as you deem it as something positive, it counts. If you have more than 1 thing to share, then by all means, go for it!

Share Your Answers!

After you are done, share your answers in the comments area!

If you’re doing this at the start of the day, you can post your answer for today’s question first, then work on your positivity task throughout the day, then return at the end of the day to share your results for your positivity task and your end-of-day positive reflection.

Check out other participants’ answers. Pick 1-2 participants’ answers and make a meaningful reply to them. Engage in the discussions. This is a group course, so let’s support each other in these 21 days!

Look forward to reading your responses!

(Images: Happy girl in the field, Cinema)