The Constructive Criticism Manifesto [Manifesto]

How do you provide criticism? Do you critique people in a curt and blunt manner, or are you able to provide criticism that is both useful and tactful? Here’s a manifesto on how to provide constructive criticism. :)

The Constructive Criticism [Manifesto]

(Click image for larger version)

Source article: How To Give Constructive Criticism: 6 Helpful Tips

Feel free to print it, put it on your fridge, at your work desk, or wherever you like. Check out my other manifestos in the manifestos section.

  1. I love your manifestos! They’re a perfect way to reflect on the lessons each article shares without needing to necessarily re-read the whole thing again!

    Would you consider making a manifesto for the steps to overcome perfectionism? I know you have one about the signs of being a perfectionist, but I think a manifesto with the steps to overcome it would be awesome as well. =)

    • Celes
      Celes 13 years ago

      That’s a great suggestion, Alexa! I never thought about it. Let me add that to my to-do list for manifestos. Thanks so much for the idea, Alexa! :D

      • No problem, I’m so glad you liked my suggestion! I think perfectionism is a bigger problem for me than I even like to admit haha, so if you got around to making the manifesto for the steps to get over it I know for sure I’d get a ton of use out of it! =)

        • Celes
          Celes 13 years ago

          Yes, it will be one of the next ones to come up! I’ve a finding love manifesto in the works now, followed by possibly a rude people manifesto (how to deal with them). After that, I’ll probably have one on how to overcome perfectionism. Stay tuned! :D

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