Type Faster with a Text-Substitution App

Want to increase your typing speed? While I don’t have an exact solution to increase typing speed, but I have a quick hack to increase your keyboard output — a text-substitution software. Simply press a few keystrokes and you’ll get an instant output of anything you specify — hard-to-remember number strings, your address, phrases you often use, URLs, or even an entire email template.

Learn more in the video above!

  • Download: Texter Text-Substitution Software (Zip file)
    (Right click the link and click “Save as” to save the file to a specified folder on your desktop. I do not own Texter nor did I create it; I’m only providing a copy for your ease of download.)

Update Jan 2021: Seems like Texter doesn’t support foreign languages. I have two other tools to recommend with the same functionality: Perfect Keyboard and aText. I’ve been using aText for the past few months and it works perfectly.

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