Catch Me on Channel News Asia, this Friday, 730am (Dec 21, 2012)! (Plus: Behind-the-Scenes Photos)

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A fantastic way to end off the year of 2012 — I was cordially invited last Thursday, by Ms. Suzanne Jung herself (television presenter and co-anchor) to be on Channel News Asia’s flagship morning show, AM Live!

The topic? Our very popular bucket lists, a topic which all of you should be familiar by now. ;) (By the way, grab my free e-book: 101 Things To Do Before You Die by signing up for the free newsletter.)

Given that CNA is one of the most popular and most prestigious television networks in Singapore, I very gratefully accepted the offer. This is the second time I’m on CNA, with the first time being two years ago on BlogTV (which was coincidentally on bucket lists too!). Suzanne quickly set up the interview with me over email, and it was agreed that they would bring the crew to my home, where they can film me in my natural environment, working and doing my thing!

This is the third time the media has come to my home. The first two times were in 2009 when I was interviewed by My Paper and Lianhe Zaobao (separately) on my story of how I quit my job to pursue my passion. It has been a while since then!

Suzanne Jung and Celes Chua

Pre-interview discussion with Suzanne on the bucket list topic, while we waited for the crew to set up the equipment. And by the way, those were some pretty bad*ss equipment I saw today!!

Showing Suzanne Jung my vision board

Showing Suzanne my vision board, an important after-step of bucket lists

Ready to start the interview!

All ready to start the interview!

Celes Chua, interviewed by Suzanne Jung

Being interviewed by Suzanne Jung herself. She’s really an awesome person and presenter! I love her ♥

Responding to the questions

Taking the questions, one after another. The main interview itself was about 30 minutes long. (There was a separate short segment later and additional filming of about 10 minutes.) It was really fun sharing my personal knowledge on bucket lists with Suzanne.

Showing my vision board pictures

Showing Suzanne my vision board pictures for year 2013 😉

Crew taking shots of me working

The crew taking shots of me working

At my home with the Channel News Asia crew

Sharing my life philosophy and how bucket lists relate to that

Me crossing out items on the bucket list for the camera :)

Me crossing out items on the bucket list for the camera 🙂

Suzanne Jung and Celes Chua

Myself and the very lovely Suzanne Jung 🙂

The whole recording took about one hour and went *very* well actually — probably one of the smoothest interviews I’ve ever done, save for a couple of fumbles in the beginning. But then again, you never know how things get captured on film, so I’ll wait for the final cut before I give the verdict!

Catch the Interview this Friday, Dec 21

Suzanne told me that they will be selecting key sound bites of the interview (about two minutes long) and airing that during one of the AM Live! chatterbox segments on Friday. The interview will be aired during the chatterbox segment, at 7:30am. It will be slightly over two minutes long.

The interview has been broadcasted on Channel News Asia’s AM Live, on Dec 21! Watch the full clip here!

As the actual interview itself lasted 30-40 minutes and there are good bites which won’t make it for the TV segment (since it is just two minutes long), AM Live! has included a clip of me sharing on vision board on their AM Live! Facebook Page. Check it out here: Celes Chua’s Tip on Achieving Your Bucket List – Having a Vision Board (Update: The link is now defunct)

Special thanks to Stephan Park for recording the segment for me on DVD! I really appreciate it!

Update: I’ve subsequently been invited back on AM Live! to talk about new year’s resolutions. Catch my interview here: My Channel News Asia interview on Dec 31, 2012