At Chapman’s Peak in Cape Peninsula, Cape Town
Update Apr 19, 2013: Thanks for the speedy replies everyone — The meetup has been confirmed! :) Please read below for details! For those who did tentative RSVPs or who have not RSVPed, please kindly confirm your attendance via the comments section to reserve your seat. The meetup is 100% free and only for those who have RSVPed. Thanks! :)
Hi guys!! :) After being in Johannesburg for nearly three weeks, I’m now at Cape Town, and totally loving this city!! :)
I’m actually returning to Singapore in just a few days’ time, but would love to meet up with those of you who are in Cape at the moment. I don’t know how many Cape readers I have actually which was why I didn’t post a Cape meetup post initially, but having received ad-hoc requests from readers in Cape Town in the past few days, I thought I should just arrange for one anyway and see how it goes! :)
Here are the final plans for the meetup!
- Venue: Upstairs @ Quay 4, at V&A Waterfront
- Address:
- Quay 4, First Floor, Quay 4
- Google Map Location for V&A Waterfront: http://www.waterfront.co.za/home/locate/locatecontent/Pages/VAWaterfront.aspx
- Date: April 21 (Sun)
- Time: 6pm* (Reservation under the name “Celestine”)
Please confirm your attendance by posting a comment in the comments section! I would REALLY love to meet as many of you as possible before I go! For those of you who gave tentative RSVPs, please kindly confirm by today (Friday) on whether you can turn up or not, as I need to update the reservation count with the restaurant. Thank you! :)
As usual with all meetups, you are more than welcome to bring along friends and family members. The more, the merrier! :D Hope to see you guys soon!! :D
Confirmed Attendees:
- Celes
- Lizette
- Blaine
- Barbara
- Julian
- Kim
- Gerrie
- Jill
- …
Update Post Meetup
Thank you to those of you who turned up for the meetup!! :D It was such an honor for me to meet all of you. Please find our group shot below! :)

From left to right: Kim, Gerrie, Barbara, me (Celes), Lizette, Jill

Lovely gift note from Barbara. She gave me a bar of healing clay, meant to be used as
a soap and said to have healing properties. Thank you so much Barbara!! :))
I really enjoyed myself when I was in Cape Town and look forward to be back in the near future. :) Godspeed everyone and in the meantime, let’s be our best selves and live our best lives! :)
(Images: Personal Excellence)