Live a Healthier Life in 21 Days (2012 Run) [Sign Ups CLOSED]

This is the announcement post for the Live a Healthier Life in 21 Days Challenge (21DHL) held in Jan 2012. The challenge is now over but you can do the tasks in your own time. Visit the overview page for all the tasks for the 2015 run.

It’s now here – the time of the year where we round up the year, plan for the new year ahead, and set new resolutions.

And among those resolutions, is the ubiquitous desire to improve our health and live a healthier life.

Which of you want to live a healthier life? Which of you want to lose weight and achieve a more attractive physique? Which of you want to turn your diet completely around into a healthy one? Which of you want to be fitter and toner? Which of you have new habits you want to cultivate in the new year?

Which of you want to live your healthiest life EVER?

If so, this challenge is for you! :D

Live a Healthier Life in 21 Days Challenge in Jan 2012!

Starting 1 Jan 2012, we will be kicking off the brand new year with a healthy living challenge – Live a Healthier Life in 21 Days (21DHL for short). We first had this challenge in Jan 2011, and it was a tremendous success, with nearly 400 official participants, and hundreds more who participated passively!

As such, I’m now bringing it back to kick off 2012, with the same design, format and intention – to get everyone started on living a healthier life in the new year!

So what’s going to happen? For 21 days straight, from 1st Jan to 21st Jan, we will all be working to achieve our best health together. We’ll be creating our personal 21-Day  Healthy Living Plan to improve our health & fitness, which should ideally cover the following 3 key areas:

  1. Diet: What we eat and drink
  2. Exercise: Our exercise regime – How frequently we exercise and how long we exercise each time; and
  3. Lifestyle: Lifestyle-related habits, such as waking time, sleeping time, meditation, posture, etc.

21DHL is not just about weight loss, though weight loss may well be a benefit you’ll experience after the challenge (of course – think about what 21-days of hard core exercise and healthy eating will do to your body!) This is about healthy living. About having a healthier body, being a healthier you, and having a healthier life. Where you have boundless energy every day and you can get tons of things done without ever feeling a pinch tired. This challenge is for everyone, because no matter how our diet or exercise is like currently, we can always make it better.

Why 21 days, and not 28 or 14 days? If you have read my 21 Days To Cultivate Life Transforming Habits article, you’d know 21 days is the optimal period to cultivate new habits. Once we get through the 21 days and have everything in place, we can then have a great foundation to achieve our goals for 2012. After all, everything in life starts from having good health. Without a healthy and strong body, we can’t hope to get much done!

These 21 days will mark our leap into 2012 with fantastic, superb health!

So what’s going to happen?

Here’s our plan for 21DHL come Jan 2012! Are you ready? Because we’re going to get rocking for an amazing 2012!

  • 21-Day Healthy Living Plan: From 1st Jan to 21st Jan, you are to stick to a 21-Day Healthy Living Plan that is designed by yourself.
  • Daily Official Tasks: On top of following your plan, I’ll post an official 21DHL task every day 6am, Singapore time GMT +8 (Refer to The World Clock), at the 21DHL Forums that shares a simple healthy living tip.
  • Your job for the 21 days is to stick to your plan, follow the official tasks assigned every day and report your progress throughout the day in your 21DHL journal. Feel free to check out other members’ journals and interact with them too.
  • At the end of the 21 days, I’ll round up the challenge. We’ll round up how we’ve done, share our learnings with each other as a group, and work on our next steps to live our healthiest life onward and forward in 2012!

I want to join! How do I participate?

Participation is easy, and best of all it’s free. Yes, 100% free. I’ll be providing all the resources, the tasks, the online platform, along with my time and energy in running the course, at zero cost on your end.

In return, I sincerely ask for your active participation and commitment to be true to yourself and to achieve your best health. Stop wasting and self-help junkie-ing your life away, please. PE has been around for 3 years, and we have had so many successful challenges to date, from 30DLBL, to 30BBM (character development), to 21DMC (meditation challenge), to 21DJC (journaling challenge), to 21DHL (live a healthier life).

How many of them have you been a part of?

How many have you actually committed to from the *beginning* to the *end*?

How many are you going to sit through and watch them pass you by until you finally realize that nothing in your life is ever going to change unless you take action about it?

Resources have always been available here for your growth. It’s up to you on whether you want to take it up or not. I’m always going to be here for those who decide to take the step to change their lives around.

Here’s how to join in 3 easy steps:

  1. Register your account in the forums (if you don’t already have one).
  2. Sign up via posting a reply in this thread.
  3. Tell someone about the challenge – be it a friend, family member, or colleague.
    • Facebook: Click “Like” via the convenient social media buttons below, and also share the link “” (without the quotes) on your Facebook wall so your friends can know about it.
    • Twitter: Retweet (without the quotes): “Who’s interested to live a healthier life come Jan? Join me in Live a Healthier Life in 21 Days Challenge – 100% free!”
    • Email: Email the post to your friend via “Email This Post” link that can be found below/above this post.

After Signing Up…

That’s it! After you post your introduction, proceed on to:

  1. Create your 21DHL Journal. This will be where you post all your ins and outs of your 21DHL journey throughout the 21 days in Jan 2012.
  2. Do your pre-work for 21DHL. Work out our exercise, diet and lifestyle plans for your 21 days ahead, via the template provided. Since all of us have different dietary preferences and needs, WE will be the ones working out our own healthy living plans.
  3. Interact and mingle with fellow participants in 21DHL, via their 21DHL Journal posts. All of us will be supporting each other in the challenge ahead!

Remember to:

  1. Bookmark the forums (Control+D) – you’re going to be visiting it daily from now on
  2. Create a daily reminder in your calendar (from now till 22 Jan) to check in the forums, as none of the discussions in the forum will be sent to you via email.

Get Ready To Live a Healthier Life in Jan 2012!

Comments section for this post is closed as we’re shifting all the action to the 21DHL Forums. So join us there!

Update: The challenge is now over but you can still do the tasks in your own time. Check out the challenge overview for the 14-Day Healthy Living Challenge in Jan 2015: 14-Day Healthy Living Challenge Overview